Planning: Screenplay

Below is the screenplay of our opening sequence. I was in charge of making it. A screenplay is writing that is intended to be turned into film. an indication of what you want the audience to see and hear in that big dark room called a cinema should the film ever be made.




Brian Oblitey
Oliver Iarrobino
Nicole Storey

December 12, 1997

The scene will start with a black screen accompanied by non-diegetic sound of woodland.
The main conversation is going to occur on a deserted street.

Jay: Only a few miles away from it now.
Logan: At last, it’d better be worth it.
Jay: It will be, stop worrying man.
Sarah (whispering to Jay and laughing): Look at William, bless him. We’re not even there yet but he’s trembling like a leaf!
Jay (approaching William): Why aren’t ya talking?
William (continues staring at the ground, pauses): I do not have anything to say.
Logan: You definitely won’t have anything to say when you’ll “it”.
Jay: Shut up Logan.
Logan: I was joking calm down, banter innit?

*Long shot from the woods, watching the characters walking away*         

Sarah: Why is this street so quiet?
Logan: It could be quieter if you shut up.
Sarah (gently pushes Logan in the arm, sarcastically): Aha, funny.
*Sarah holding her phone up in the air*
Sarah: There’s no signal either!
Jay: William?
William: Yes?
Jay: What is your biggest phobia?
*Sarah and Jay turn their heads to William*
William: Erm… I’d say ghosts, but since they don’t exist, I’d say loneliness.
*Jay, Logan and Sarah laugh but William does not notice* 

Logan: Wait, let me tie my laces *pushes William out of his way*
*Logan bends over and ties his laces*
Jay: Hurry up, it’s getting dark, we’ll miss it.

*A Russell sound is heard but the character does not notice*

Jay (suspiciously): Did you hear that noise?  
William (scared but trying to hide his fear): What noise?
 *Gravel sounds are heard as Logan finishes tying his laces up*
*Hands appear from behind and grab Logan*

*Logan disappears, the camera cuts*

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