Planning: location planning

For this task Nicole was responsible for taking the photos of our location possibilities. Whilst Oliver provided the text.

We decided to do location planning as it will help us evaluate our options for the best location for our short film. Completing this task in the early stages of our planning will allow us to find more suitable location allowing us to create a more realistic and scary film. Doing location planning also allows us to avoid the last minute panic of were to film. Doing it now will allow us to take in more detailed decisions like what time will be best for filming in this location as the angle of the sun could effect our footage. Or if we do it to late we will not have enough light to see our characters. In each different location it will have its different pros and cons. Doing our location planning in a early stage will allow us to prepare for the cons of the location and enhance the pros.

Possible locations:
Location 1:This location was considered as it was a very remote area which can allow us to use many film conventions like a secluded location as from this shot there seems to be no sign of any houses. Although I believe that this area was to open for our camping scene. I believe this as it does not allow our villain to use any obstacles to hide behind or use as cover whilst following our characters.

Location 2: This location was also considered as it looks like a enclosed location for our campers protecting them from the element of wind due to the high rising walls. The look of the is location is very good as it can display an old abandoned house. This can be seen by the overgrown vegetation and the randomly placed bricks. I also believe that in the night the back line of trees will create a very scary atmosphere whilst accompanied by the wind blowing over the walls.

Location 3: This location was also considered due to its confided location. This location would allow our villain to follow the campers through the high rising vegetation providing the perfect cover. The high rising walls also provided a sense of confinement and with the right camera angle can show to our audience that there is no escape.

Location 4: This location was considered as the old abandoned road provides the perfect atmosphere. The old abandoned road provides the perfect information to the audience that they are far from any active civilisation. With the overgrown vegetation  providing the perfect cover for our villain to stork our campers. In the right lighting this can create a terrifying atmosphere for our audiences allowing them to sink into the reality of the film.

Location 5: This was at first considered as a location or our short film as its enclosed rooms provided some good shelter for the campers. Although we now believe this is not such a good idea as it does not allow any mysterious movement from our villain as it will easily be seen from the window. This can also make it awkward for us to record as the small areas will be hard to fit ourselves in and the campers with still enough room for them to move around.

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