Research into Target Audience : Pen Portrait

Me and my group planning our perfect audience.
Our finished plan.

Our perfect audience:
Joe is our perfict audience for our up coming horror film "Dormez mes infants". Joe is male and 17 years old and has a part time job at Blockbusters whilst also attending sixth form. Joe has an ambition to become an actor and is looking to persue this dream job through a drama course in university. Until then Joe likes to use his leisure time to go out with his friends to the local cinema and watch his favourite genre of films…horror films. He goes to the cinema so much be brought an NUS card(student discount card) so he gets 25% off with every film. As Joe is a sociable person he likes to talk with his friends after the film is done but during the film they don't say a word as they are glued to the screen. Joe likes to then collect his favourite horror films in his horror dvd collection and watch them over and over with his friends.

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