Essay: codes and conventions of horror films as shown in the openings of 'Dead Wood', 'Dead Mary' and 'Wrong Turn'.

During this essay I will be discussing the technical and symbolic codes and conventions of the films: dead Mary, dead wood and wrong turn. Whilst explaining their effects on the audience. But first I will give a brief explanation of what they are.
What is a code?
 A Code is the element that can be decoded by the audience to provide meaning. This can be divided into two groups: technical codes and symbolic codes.
Technical codes: a technical code includes areas like: camera shots, angles and movements, editing, sound, titles and lighting.
Symbolic codes: Symbolic codes include the main elements of mise-en-scene within a film. Mise-en-scene is a French term that means 'put in the scene'. This covers: costume, make-up, setting and props.
What is a convention?
Conventions are the expected rules that, as an audience, we expect in a specific genre. In a horror film we expect to see conventions such as a killer stalking a victim, a character being placed in a position of peril, a mobile phone running out of battery or losing signal at a crucial moment.
Technical codes:
 Before we get a imaged in the film Dead wood you hear the diagetic sound of birds chirping in the distances this creates the atmosphere of a woodland area as in your mind you associate birds with woodland. This becomes effective to the audiences as they already know where this film is set before even seeing the start of the film. Shortly after a running scene commences. The camera is shaking vigorously as it follows the character as he runs through the woodland. This is a good technique as it creates the felling that you are running with the character. This becomes effective to the audiences as they will believe they are running with this character increasing the dramatic effect. This is then followed by a cleverly placed point of view shot as it shows the characters point of view as they run through the trees. A quick image of the tent is shown to the audiences to give them a scene of hope that the character is going to be ok. Using a P.O.V shot is very good in my eyes as it puts the audience in the shoes of the character.
As soon as the chase begins the editing of the cuts begin to pick up the pace including angles like long shots and close ups. This helps bring across to the audience that an action scene is taking place and that they should keep their eyes peeled if they want to keep up with the action. Non diegetic sound can be heard as the character is being chased through the woods. This Music has been especially made for this film as the  high points of the music match the high points of the chase. This helps the audience realise that he is in danger as the music is very fast passed. This could also have a horror link to a famous scene from Psycho where the same type of orchestra can be heard:
The character comes to a sudden stop due to a massive hole in the ground. This is illustrated by the low camera angle used to show the depth of this hole. This creates a picture to the audience that he cannot simply climb down and carry on. This can create a sense of isolation of the character as he is trapped on a ledge.

A high angle crane shot is used as the girl looks for her partner as it moves away from her. This can bring across to the audience that she has become weak as she is alone in an isolated area with a killer on the loose. This reinforces the stereotype of women being the weaker gender.

Straight at the beginning of Dead Mary text appears stating the actors and actresses involved in the film. The use of the white texts can cave connotations of cold or empty. This could then reflect the villain’s characteristics as they could be a cold hearted killer. The text appears to be scratched into the screen. This could show pain to the audience reflecting that it is a horror film. No non-diegetic sound is used from the start of the film. Personally I think this is a good idea as it helps create a sense of realism to the audience making them feel more engaged in the film.
Another thing I found good in Dead Mary was the P.O.V shot used as you are in the shoes of the person looking through the woods at the car.  This can create tension for the audiences as they could believe they are looking from the point of the killer. One thing I felt they could have improved on was fake scare they used when the boyfriend drops the gas tanks. I feel it was too week of a scare and didn’t have much effect on the audience.

For the opening of Wrong turn it opens up with a high angle shot from above the trees. I believe this is good as it helps establish the location of the film. This helps give the audience a feel for where the film will be set. When the women is in the face of danger the film editing speeds up helping convey to the audience the face paced action that is taking place in the film. This is then accompanied by non-diegetic soundtrack that helps increase the tension of the scene.
Symbolic Codes:
For the film Dead wood a bunch of symbolic codes were used. The male’s costume of a chino type trousers and bright top suggests to the audience that he is a bit of a joker and likes to mess around. This could also explain to the audience as to why he is in this messing the first place as he was messing about walking around in the woods alone. Whereas the females dull green clothes suggest she is quite sensible or boring. This could show why she is not the one that need up dead as she was sensible and stayed in the tent. The dead trees used in this film could link to the fact that it’s a horror film which could show to the audience that it will contain death. It also links well with the title as it is called Dead wood. Also the use of the tent that the woman is can show her vulnerability to the audience as a tent is not the safest of things to protect yourself against a killer.
In Dead Mary the two main characters are very differently dressed compared to Dead wood as the girl is in a very reviling set of clothes including a vest and some short shorts. Although this is effective as the audience it is trying to appeal to (teenagers) would like this kind of thing well... the boys will. The man is first seen carrying the two heavy gas tanks to the car. This yet again enforces the stereotype of men being superior to women as the man is seen doing all the work whilst the women is just sitting there. The use of the massive prop the car helps set the scene that they have broken down. This becomes clear to the audience when the man comes back with fuel. If the Audiences knows there cars well they will see that it is an old American muscle car. This could show why it has broken down as the car is old.
As to two young adults race in Wrong turn to the top the male wins the race by far. This also helps reinforce the stereotype of men being superior to women. This is then followed on as when the male disappears the female needs help as she cannot complete the climbing challenge. This then again enforces the stereotype as she cannot complete the challenge and calls for help. You can see a strong link between all these film as the male seems to be the superior one of the two genders. Also in all three film s the age group of the two main characters seem to be the same as they all look like they are in there early or mid twenties. This could be as the target audience is teenagers and people in their twenties are people that are teens aspire to be like when they grow older.
Used in all three films was secluded woodland. This convection was used as it helps bring across to the audience that there is no escape for the characters. Also woodland can be a great place for any lurking villains to take cover as they stalk their pray. This can create good jump scares for the audiences as there are plenty of places for a villain to pop out of. Woodlands are also full of many shapes and outlines which make it easy for the brain to play tricks on it scaring the audience.
Dead Mary uses the convention of the woman being alone. This convention is used often in horror films as it plays on the stereotype that women are weak. This portrays to the audiences that the woman is vulnerable as there is no superior male around to save here. This can create tension for the audience as they will think something is going to happen to her. It also plays on the convention that they have broken down. This shows to the audience that they are isolated an there is no quick way out of this. This can create the perfect opportunity for a villain to mess with the characters creating the story line.
Wrong turn uses the extremely common convection of death in its opening fifteen minutes. This convention used as much as it gives the viewer a chance to see how the villain performs their kills and to potentially scare the audience. It was originally intended to scare the audiences as they would not expect a death in the first few minutes. Although after it has been used in so many films I feel that it has no massive effect on the audiences as they are use to this concept and will be expecting it.
In Dead wood the convection an unexpected trip from the main character as he is being chased. This convention is used as it creates false hope for the audiences as they think he is going to make it but suddenly he falls. This then creates tension for the audiences on whether or not he will survive. Dead wood also used the convention of fake scares. This can be seen when he reaches the end of the land before the big whole. The sound of the birds is used as the first fake scare then the trees for the second. This becomes effective as the audiences will think the scare is over and relax but become scared again at the second scare.  Although I did spot on continuity error from this film as when the main character is jumping across the gorge the bushes that were rumbling vanish. This can have a negative effect  on the audience as they will spot this mistake and speak to their friends about it instead of concentrating on the action taking place. It will also remind them it is just a film which could also lose the effect of the film.
Overall, I think the best film was dead wood as it used a lot more codes and convections than Dead Mary and Wrong turn. This would make it more interesting for the audience as they will have more peaks of interest in the film.


  1. After evaluating my essay I believe I achieved 14 marks for my explanation. I think achieved this level as I kept my answers relevant to the question and showed a understanding of the codes and conventions used in the films. In terms of examples I believe that I achieved 14 as all my examples were codes and conventions I saw in the film and I supported them with screen shots. In terms of terminology I believe I got 7 marks as when looking through my work I found 16 terms. Overall i think i got 31marks

    Also sir is my target grade a C or b ?Because u say it is a B but my predicted grades says c.

    1. I think we stick with your target grade as being a B Oliver.

  2. I would differ slightly in my assessment of your essay Oliver. I think that you EAA is weakened by some clumsy expression that becomes a little intrusive and, therefore, would give this aspect a mark of 13 out of 20. However, I think your use of examples from the films to support your arguments is good and would reward this with a mark of 15 out of 20. You are confident in your use of terminology and there is enough security here to merit a mark of 8 out of 10 as you do not make errors and show good awareness of vocabulary. This would give you a mark of

  3. 36 out of 50 overall. Apologies for the separate posts. My iPad is not letting me add comments correctly!
