Test Edit.

Before this task i knew nothing about iMovie and how it works.Now I have finish my test edit I have learnt a range of skills along the way of the task. I now know how to import raw footage on the mac and then to iMovie. I have also learnt how to cut and crop and apply the footage needed into the final clip.When using I movie I also learn how to create text and insert it into the clip this can be seen at the start of the video and at the end for the credits .I also learnt how to adjust the frame rate of a certain clip allowing me to use a slow motion effect on one of the characters although its didn't work to well when i uploaded it to youtube as it staggered allot as youtube was trying to steady it.In some takes of the video you could See a small reflection of the camera man,This will help me in the future as it will teach me to be careful when recording.I also learnt how to use music ans sound effects to give the clip a more powerful impact on the audience.Slide transitions is also a feature I am use to now as I used some subtle transitions when I needed to to make the video seem more smooth.In terms of camera angles and shots I have learn a good group of ones to use thanks to my test edit like tracking shot,extreme close up and the 180 degrees rule.

All the skills I learnt with the tesk edit will now become useful in the preliminary task. For example the use of music will allow me to build tension in the task or set a scene using the music in the background making it appalling to the ear, maintain the viewers attention. Also being able to import the raw footage in the fist place will allow me to actually edit the task so that is a essential skill I need for the preliminary task.Also knowing how to cut footage can really help me out as it allows me to get ride of any bad footage making the end clip seem smooth.Being aware of my surroundings such as reflections and mirrors will also help me later on in media as i will now be aware of whats around me allowing me to stay clear of any reflections that expose the camera. Slide transitions will also help me out in the preliminary task as it will make the clips fit together better rather than a dead stop between each clip.I will also take multiple takes of each scene giving me a wider range to edit with allowing me to be more creative with the editing.

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