Examples of camera shots.(sherlock)

This extreme close up shows the anger and tension of this charter  .This could suggest to the audience that she could be the villain in this series.

This is an example of a low angle shot as doctor Watson is looking down on sherlock this low shot gives doctor Watson a sense of power as he looks at sherlock.

Planning: Casting

we have gone out looking for a cast in our short film as we think it is good to pre plan our cast so there is no confusions or last minute rush to get some to cast in our short film. We will consider a range of different types of people to see who fits the portfolio of the characters in mind.

Possible cast members:

Panashe: we have considered Panashe has he is a good actor and could suit the role we are looking for in our male character.

John: we also considered using join to play our male character in our  short film as he is also not camera shy and is a good actor.

Evie: we considered Evie in our short film as she could make a very good candidate for our female character .With talented acting skills.

Agne: we have considered Agne in our short film as could fi the character description we are looking for in our short film.

Planning: Location

For our preliminary task we went out and did some location planning. We did this so we had a good idea of were we will set and film our task. It is good to go location planing because then you don't have to panic last minute trying to find a good location to use.

good locations:
This is a good location as it has good lighting and is often not used much meaning it  wont be to loud inside.

This is a good location to use as it sets the scene that we are in the sixth form area.                                                  

This will be a good location to uses as it will make a great Establishing shot for the beginning of the short film .

Bad location:

We  considered  using this location but we thought it was not good enough as it is to confined at the end of the hall and there is no place for the cast to sit down and talk.

Planning: Storyboarding

I have used a storyboard to lay out my preliminary task. Every section of the storyboard has a location,camera shot and angle/ movement section filled out. I have done this so I can see exactly what I need to do with all 12 shots. I also have filled out a sounds/dialogue so I know exactly what the cast will be saying in each scene this is accompanied by drawing so it gives me a visual image of how the shots should look.


Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

My Media

Hello my name is Oliver I'm 16 and attend sixth form at KBA.

I believe I am surrounded with the media industry as I tend to watch allot of media related things for instance I like watching youtube videos and tend to watch them every day as I love how they are made and the content they contain. one of my favourite youtubes would be pewdiepie I love his videos and recently met him in Brighton.I usually watch his channel after i have finished school.
Here is his channel :PewDiePie's Channel.
me and pewdiepie:

I also like watching t.v form football games to shows such as Sherlock Holmes I really like how Sherlock makes you think how the victim was killed. Sadly the series doesn't start for a few more months.
I also like my music which is another branch of the media industry.I like all types of music pretty much anything from hip hop to old time classics.Apart from the screamo stuff you hear.I only really listen to music when I'm doing homework.
Then there are video games.I love video games I like everything about them from how they were developed to how the experience feels. some of my personal favourites would be battlefield and fifa.I just love how you can play with friends and experience all kinds of things.I normally play my video games at the weekend if I'm not doing anything else.
I also use social network sites like facebook and twitter I don't often post anything I just use them to message friends and organise days if we want to go and play football or to come over.