Question 5

How did you attract your audience?

When creating our film opening we had to decided apon a range of factors that would attract our audience like costume, character and location.


In our film opening we had four main characters. Due to our film audience being teenagers we decided to age all four characters between 18 and 19. We did this as it allows our audience to relate to the characters. We decided to make them just a little bit older that the target audience of 17 years old as we wanted them to look up to the characters, making them more connected to the film.

We tried to include a range of personal qualities that best suite their characters. For example Logan is the "joker of the group" as well as a bully when It comes to William. He is eighteen and is in William's form class. Logan likes to mess about and play football... and bully William of course. He looks upon Jay, but sometimes acts arrogant against him so he can have some individuality. He has a love/hate relationship with Sarah, but remains really close with her. Overall Logan, is someone who seems fearless, careless and has a good sense of humour. This will help attract our audience as it represents a stereotypical male, which is part of out target audience. This also makes the film more realistic as the character has the correct personality making it easier for the audience to be engaged in.


 The sole location of our film opening is in the middle of some woods. This is seen as conventional location for a teen horror movie, but we believe it is on the movie screen for a reason because it is effective. This provides the perfect secluded location for our main characters to walk through. This will also help establish that this a horror film due to its generic location. The dirty and dead looking trees supply perfect atmosphere for the film, creating a more intense film, which should in turn attract the audience. This can be easily relatable for the audience as we see some type of woodland almost every day, therefore attracting them.

The long empty path suggests to the audience that they are deep inside the woods meaning no sign of help or communication with the outside world. This should help implant the image in the audience’s head that the main characters are alone with no access to help.


When creating our costumes we had to be careful with what we picked. We had to consider current teenage trends as we want our characters to be looked up to so if the had the trendy clothes on they would appeal more to our audience. We also had to make sure our costumes fitted the characters personality.

Here are to of our character Logan and William. William is on the left and Logan is on the right. Logan is seen as the trendy character out of the two as you can see by his costume. We choose a laid back costume for Logan as we wanted the audience relate to the character as they may wear similar clothes in their day to day life making them more enticed with them film. This also suited Logan’s personality, which allowed the film to flow smoother. Whereas, William has a tie and shirt making him look more smart. This immediately identifies that William is a typical“ goody two shoes” to the audience. This is good as the audience can then create relationships with the characters on weather they like them as a character, which further entices them into the film

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